Jan 29, 2012

Just a normal sunday + new sale stuff ●≧∪≦)ノ ☆

First of all:  there's only a few days more for take part of my giveaway, so, enter and enjoy it!:

Hoy ha sido un día tranquilillo, y es que con este viento y el mal tiempo que hace, poco se puede hacer. Odio el viento de esta ciudad, pero bueno, por algo es conocida como Zarawindy xD
Así que hoy ha venido Pauw a casa y tardecica tranquila: ponernos al día, buscar cosicas monas por internet, merendar tortitas, hacer fotos chorras... ♪♪♪ ( ^^)人(^^ ) ♪♪♪

Así que esta entrada no es muy "gyaru", sorry


Why are so frozen and windy outside?? I hate winter, really. However, today has been a nice day.  

My friend Pauw visited me this afternoon. So long time since I hadn't seen her! For this reason, we were been talking, surfing on internet searching cute stuff, making some pancakes and taking photos! I needed a nice and relaxing afternoon like this with a good company!! \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ 

Sorry but this post isn't too "gyaru", haha

 By the way, this is my (disaster) bedroom, hahaha

Y para terminar, os enseño mis últimas adquisiciones. La verdad es que soy buena compradora, y todos han sido chollazos!! O(≧∇≦)O イエイ!!

Oh, and finally, I want to show you some new stuff. The discount period  this year is really fantastic! I've been able to find lot of fantastic bargains! v(≧∀≦)v うれし〜

From Claire's

Y para este frío... dos chaquetas más! Un abrigo de leopardo (que ya venía buscando uno en condiciones desde el año pasado xD) y una chaquetica tipo "universitaria" de Mickey! Ayyy, me encantan las dos! Mucho!! 萌(♡´∀`♡)え 

And two new coats. I think I've got too many coats... mmm, anyway, they're so cute! ●≧∪≦)ノ 
Both of them are from Bershka

Bueno, la próxima entrada espero que sea la del giveaway, así que... decid hasta entonces a una de las ranas más majicas que tengooo! 

Well, the next entry I suppose that it will definitely be about the giveaway, so... say see you to my cutest frog! ばいばい(⌒ー⌒)ノ~~~ 

By: Kasui 

Jan 23, 2012

Making faces and friends! (●>v<●)_彡☆

A principios de enero (sí  hace muuucho tiempo) tuvimos una visitilla sureña por tierras mañas... Suzu vino a ver a su familia! Y ya de paso, la raptamos un día para conocernos, jaja o(^-^)o 
Que majica es!! Espero que no la atosigara demasiado con todo lo que hablo... Bueno, pero la próxima vez que venga, también la raptaremos!! ▼ω▼  ~~ jur jur

In early january, we received a visit from a spaniard southern... Suzu came to Zaragoza! And we kidnaped her during some hours beacuse she couldn't leave without meeting us, haha (゚▽^*)ノ
Suzuuuu ~~  (≧∇≦)キャー♪ 

Me making some faces... ⌒☆ 
Note: Nice to meet new follower! this is me, haha (≧ω≦)b

My outfit (why I look so chiiild?(。>。<。)ウッー )

Miyu and Mikan (*´▽`*)   
Después de la visita obligada al McDonald's (lo voy a nombrar como tradición ya xD), fuimos a comprar algo de comida china, noodles, tofu, bambú y esas cosas que a mi me vuelven loca... Y de paso, calleron algunos mochis de fresa! (*・∀<*) 

We went to McDonal's, of course! And then, shopping some chinese food and strawberry mochis! ☆゜:

Byeee ~~

By: Kasui

Note: I promise the next entry will be better, sorry for no updating more frecuent, but I've got exaaams (;へ:)

Jan 17, 2012

New wig! + last present ~ ヾ(*´∇`)ノ ー♪

Qué tal? Pff, lo siento por no actualizar, pero esto de la vuelta de las vacaciones me mata.. D:
Hace unos días me llegó por fin la peluca que me pillé. La verdad es que es un poco más oscura que la imagen, pero me encantaaaaa! Queda genial! Y la verdad es que la utilizado para ir por la calle, y oye, parece natural 


Hey, what's up? Brr, these days are reaaally cold, and I reaaally hate them! haha
A few days ago my wig arrived. Welcome wig! (*゚▽゚)ノノ・・☆
I love it, it's a little bit darker than the picture, but it's very nice!! And looks ausome! Really confortable and nice for outside too ヾ(*ゝω・*)ノ

(Very simple makeup, brrr... sorry!! D:)

Bueno, y por último, más vale tarde que nunca! jaja Os enseño el más mucho mejor regalo de navidades... Tachán tacháaaan!! La nintendo 64!! Y con el Super Mario y el Yoshi!  .(●≧▽≦)^☆  
Si es que... NO podría haber sido mejoooor!!  (Bueno sí, una NES, pero eso se escapa de mis posibilidades xd)


Oh! It's late, however I want to show you my most important christmas present! In Spain it's typical to celebrate "Reyes Magos" so the "day of presents" isn't Christmas Eve, it's on the night of January 5. Well, I had a lot of frog stuff as usual, three recipes books,  cute stuff and some money. But this is THE BEST! (ノ=´∀`=)ノLOVE♪ 

Ta daaaa ~~ A NINTENDO 64!!!! With Super and Yoshi OMFG! Full of happiness!! 萌(♡´∀`♡)え 

Oh! And for those who haven't enjoyed it, remember my first giveaway!: 

Byeee ~~ 

By: Kasui

Jan 9, 2012

Having fun: friends, coffee and shopping! (◎ゝω・)人(・ω<◎)コヨシ♪

Hace varios días (ejem, semanas! ejem..)  nos reunimos varias para hacer una miniquedada maña de las nuestras. En un principio íbamos a ir las 7, pero al final nos quedamos solo en 3, y algunas se añadieron después. Vamos, que las quedadas que hacemos parece que son lanzadas por fascículos, jaja
Fuímos a comer a un chino, ver tiendas, tomar algo en el McDonald's (siempre acabamos ahí)... 
Ayy! Y lo bien que me lo paso con ellas! (●>v<●) 

A few days ago we did a meetup in my city. We met Ne, Miyu and me for going to lunch at chinese restaurant (mushrooms with bamboo!! aww) and then, Yummy joined after that. We were going shopping and more, but finally, we always go to Mcdonald's for a coffee. I love Mcdonald's coffee! 

So, some pics having fun ~ ♪(〃⌒▽⌒)八(〃⌒▽⌒〃)八(⌒▽⌒〃)♪ 

 Making some faces with Ne, lolz ダ━(*>3<)人(>3<*)━チ♪ 
Face: "like a boss" hehe

 My outfit
El momento raruno del día fue cuando íbamos Ne, Miyu y yo, y de repente un par de hombres mayores invitándonos con ellos a comer.... Ay madre mía! xDD

Por cierto el concurso continúa, muchísimas gracias a las que os habeís apuntado, y a las que no, todavía estáis a tiempo:

Mi primer giveaway!


The strangest moment of the day was while Miyu, Ne and me were walking and suddenly some old men said us about going with them to lunch... WTF? We don't accept paying on food, haha (*・∀<*) 

Oh! And finally, I remember you about my first giveaway!  
It has already started but if you haven't participated in it, you're on time! It finishes at 02/02

My first giveaway!

Byeee ~~

By: Kasui 

Jan 4, 2012

My First Giveaway!! (≧∇≦)キャー♪

I've finally prepared...

First Giveaway! 
Yeeeah! ♪(゚▽^*)ノ⌒☆

It isn't too much, but I hope it like you. (人´∀`) 
I'm very thankful for everyone who follow this blog, comment or read it... All of you, thanks so much! I'll definitely make an better effort making my entries because I really want to offer you a good blog! (´▽`*)/♪ ありがと 


A Stradivarius winter bag
A Mango purse
A cute towel (like a muffin!)
Naildeco little stars
Some cute stickers
A skull sparkle sticker
A black cat keychain
A Rilakkuma mirror
Mikado Winter's Edition (spanish Pocky)


Leave a comment in this entry with your name, your blog link and your email. - 1 point
(follow now if you aren't! And nice to meet you   ‏)

Do a entry about this giveaway and post one of the pictures (I prefer the first, haha) with a link to here  - 2 point

Put a banner with a link in your sidebar blog while the giveaway is open - 2 point

You can get 5 point in total.


You must be a public follower of Little Sugar Cube
The giveaway is open internationally and it will closed at 2/02
After limit date, I'll choose the winner with a random number generator.
I'll contact his/her by email, but if the winner doesn't reply in three days, the prize goes to the next person in list. 

Good luck for everyone! o(●´ω`●)oわくわく♪ 

By: Kasui

P.D. Any questions, please, contact me (・∀<)b

Happy New Year! + Kitty chocolate(人´∀`*) ♥

Feliz año nuevo a todos!
Happy New Year to everyone!

Como he estado con la rodilla mal, no hay fotos de Nochevieja, que iba en pantalones vaqueros y mis Vans, toda cómoda, lolz

Oh! Y ya tengo 130 seguidores! Ayyy, tengo que hacer un pequeño giveaway para celebrarlo, sí, sí, sí! Estad atentaaaas! 

Y para terminar, chan chan chaaaan! Os dejo foticos del turrón de chocolate de Kitty que me compró mi madre ayer! Ayyy, si es que son todo amor! (Chocolate y madre (>ω<*)ノ)

On New Year Eve I was with my hurt knees and I was with my favourite trousers and my Vans, so sorry because there isn't any pictures, haha

Oh! And thank so much for the 130 followers! I'm very happy, yeeeeah! And I've decided that I'll do some giveaway! Soon! So, attention to the following posts 

And finally, I want to show you some Kitty chocolate that my mum gave me yesterday. Aww, it's soooo sweet (both: mum and Kitty chocolate ~♥)

There are some nail stickers inside! (゚▽゚*)!

Byeee ~~

By: Kasui 。*☆