Feb 17, 2013

❤ Sleepover: Spamfood + Kigurumi time! ヽ(o゚ω゚o)ノ❤

Aww, se me acumulan las cosas que contar, pero no qué hacer, si priorizar unas y contar solo algunas, o acribillaros a entradas cada dos por tres... Por ahora, voy a empezar por la más reciente! image

El viernes por la tarde quedamos Ne, Yummy y yo para irnos las 3 a mi piso del centro... Pero no sin antes pasar a pillar comida china! 
Teníamos Wii, juegos chachis, tele, revistas gyarus, portátil, vídeos de conciertos ¡¡enteros!! de Kpop (cortesía de Ne), películas, doramas... En fin, que por diversión, podríamos haber tenido para semanas!  


Aww, I've lots of things that I want to tell you! Maybe should I prioritize those ones more important? Or just post several entries? Well, today, I'll start for the most recent plan.... 

Friday night, I had a sleepover with Ne and yummy at my flat in center town. But firstly, we went to buy some noodles and chinese food for the night.
There were the Wii, nice videogames, TV, gyaru magazines, laptop with tons of Kpop PV's and concerts, films, doramas... To sum up, we had enjoyment for several weeks! 

Lo curioso fue que sin haberlo planeado, cada una nos trajimos nuestra propia manta... Anda que ya  nos vale! XD
Abrimos el sofá cama, nos colocamos en posición horizontal y así nos quedamos toda la noche: tumbadas y en un pienso continuo. Además, Yummy nos soprendio con dulces rarunos chinos/taiwaneses/japoneses que había comprado en su último viaje a Londres! Pero qué majica que eees!! 


Unexpectedly, we took our own blankets from home! it was so funny because of we didn't agree that at all! 
We made the sofa-bed and we lolled there for rest of the night: resting and eating non-stop.And to make matters better, Yummy brought some asian sweets from her last travel to London. Awww, she's so kind! 

 Sweets: choco cookies, strawberry mochi, peach and green tea Pocky and Koara biscuiiits! 
 Dinner: soba flavored ramen, chicken noodles, yakisoba and tomato salad with bamboo! image

It's already being selling strawberries, so I took some to the night 

This mochi was sooo delicious! It's from a taiwanese brand and that one inside was similar to strawberry jelly! 

These ones were so good too! I felt shamed after eat these because they were so cute and tasty 

Y en una de misexploraciones a la nevera, descubrí que había... mitad de una tarta de chocolate!!
Supongo, 99% de posibilidades, de que mi hermano estuvo el Día de San Valentín en el piso, y esto quedó como prueba del delito. Peeero, aquí estoy yo como buena hermana para borrar todas las pruebas incriminatorias... ohohoho 
Y sí, estaba muy, muyyyyy bueno! 


Searching thorugh the fridge, I realize that there was a half of a Valentine's Cake. I suposse that my brother should have been on the flat the Valentine's Day, ufufufufu 
Anyway, the rest of cake was extremly delicioooous! onomnomnom 
"Te quiero de sabor Chocolate" XD

Después de mucha música coreana, videoclips, conciertos... intentamos ver la peli de Sakurina "Girl's Life", y digo "intentamos" porque es un rollo infumale y acabamos viendo otra, este segudo intento muchísimo más acertado: "Darling wa Gaikokujin". Terminó, hablamos un ratillo y sin darnos cuenta acabamos por caer dormidas. 


We saw several kpop videos and concerts, tried to see "Girl's Life" by Sakurina but, my God.. why is so sick? We gave up it and tried with another one: "Darling wa Gaikokujin". This one much better! I higly recommend you! After ending film, we were chatting for a while and then... fell sleep. 

At morning early...
There still were outstanding 3 hours more lazing about on the bed! 


 Do you usually have sleepover with friends? 
 If so, what do you do? 


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