Mar 14, 2013

PICSPAM:My trip to Barcelona!! O(≧∇≦)O─ ♪


La aventura comenzó ya con sorpresas: no se en que momento Ne y yo dimos por sentado que el bus salía a las 11 y media de la mañana, cuando claramente en el billete ponía las 11:05! 
Pero Santa Claus estaba feliz ese día e hizo que yo llegara justo al andén a las 11:05, Ne gritando, el conductor riéndose, la gente mirando y yo con mi complejo de Conejo Blanco llegando tarde como siempre... Aunque esta vez estaba justificado y apenas se retrasó el bus, a las 11:06 ya estábamos saliendo! 


The adventure started busy... We had a mistake with the departure time (11:30 supposedly): it was 25 minutes sooner than we expected (11:05!). Ne is always ahead on her time, however, I'm always late. But no that day. I was excited and I was early. I could arrive just in time, at 11:05. You can imagine the situation: Ne yelling me "hurry up, hurry up", the bus driver laughing, all people looking at me who was running plenty of packages!! 
But finally, the bus leave at 11:06, only one minute late. Not so bad for me, haha
My new panda backpack! Isn't so cuteee? 

Llegamos a Barcelona, pasamos por el chino de siempre a comprar muuuchos Pockys y comida, llegamos al piso de la amiga de Ne, comimos, dejamos la maleta y nos fuimos a una cafetería muy mona a la que queríamos ir: "Usagui"
Es una cafetería japonesa, preciosa, muy tranquilica y tienen cosas riquísimas. Si tenéis la oportunidad, no dudéis en ir!! 


Upon arrival at Barcelona, we went to our favourite asian shop to buying a lot of Pocky and food. We arrived at our "home" -a nice flat of a friend of Ne-, ate, unpacked and after all, we went to a cute cafe that we peeked: "Usagui"
It's a japanese cafe, plain but really beautiful, peaceful and relaxing. There are many delicious desserts and different types of green tea to taste ~ 
Ne ordered matcha latte tea and meronpan 

We shared the dessert. Both of them was so good, but my fav was the spongecake  

I ordered sencha tea with a piece of lemon spongecake

Por la noche fuimos a cenar y dar una vuelta por Plaza Cataluña con unas amigas de Ne.

After that, we went to center town to take a walk and have dinner.



El sábado madrugamos mucho porque tuvimos que ir tempranillo a la Japan Weekend. Participábamos en el desfile de moda lolita, concretamente para el diseñador Fidel David. Para quien le interese, que no se preocupe: dedicaré una entrada a esto cuando reúna más fotillos! 


At Saturday, we had to wake up quite early due to we took part into a Lolita fashion parade at a japanese event: Japan Weekend. (Don't worry, I'll make a entry about this later)
Obsly, I didn't wear those clothes. This is my outfit for the day. Sexier than normal, right? image 

Después del desfile me cambié el peinado por uno más cómodo, y me quité los labios rojo "explosivo". De verdad, podré llevar mil cosas postizas por la cara, pero me siento muy rara cuando llevo los labios pintados de rojo...


After parade, I made a easy and quick hairstyle and I removed those red lips. I think I've not still accustomed to that color...
Saturday night, going home
And the outfit image



Nos acostamos tarde y llevábamos cansancio acumulado, así que auqnue el despertador sonara a las 9 am, levantamos de la cama sobre las 11 am, y salimos de casa a las 2 pm desayunadas-comidas con una buena ronda de tortitas caseras cortesía de Kasui. Ya podíamos volver con las pilas recargadas a la Japan Weekend! 


Friday night, we went to bed really late and we were worn out. Sunday morning, the alarm rang at 9am, but we didn't get out of the bed until 11 am. Then, I wanted to make pancakes, and as you know well, making pancakes takes lot of time, isn't it? (Also eating them, haha)
It was 2pm when were going out from home, lolz... But finally, we were full of live and energy to return to the event! 

A wild ninja frog appeared! 

Dirigiéndonos al metro, pasamos por un Dunkin Donuts. Yo me pillé un café, con muuucha espuma, y la señora me puso muchísima espuma. Ayyy, pero que maja fue la señora y que feliz fui yo!! image
Ne por su parte, hizo selección de los donuts más monosos y compró una caja para repartir después entre sus amigos ~ 


We was going to subway when we came across a Dunkin Donut. I decided buying a coffee. I asked for lot of foam, and the waitress put looot of it. Aww, what happiness!! image
Meanwhile, Ne picked the cutest donuts to give later to her friends~ 

Y después de hacer el reparto, corriendo, corriendo otra vez al piso para coger las maletas y volver a la casa de verdad... 

And after delivering the lovely packet of donuts, it was the time to pick the suitcase and go to the truly home 



1 comment:

  1. I truly love the blue outfit! And you're so cute with ponytails<3<3
    Happy that you had fun!


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